Today's Blog: Monday the 20th of January 2025.

BLOG 2025-01-20 00:06:17

The United States of America sent astronauts to the moon as they were the first ones to walk on the moon! Two of their astronauts take incredible credit for being the first to go where no man had ever been before! They are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Buzz Aldrin was born on the 20th of January, 1930. A fighter pilot and an engineer astronaut made 3 spacewalks, the first one in the year 1966, Gemini Mission, and in 1969 in the Lunar mission! He was the second person to walk on the moon! By this, they have spanned generations of astronauts who are exploring the final frontiers. And our country is ranked #4 in space missions. India is also readying 2 of our astronauts to fly to the moon. Let's wait and watch with bated breath...
