In keeping with the perspective of eating right, a lot of adaptation is necessary. Adaptation here includes all the required ingredients that constitute a good, balanced diet. Good diet includes greens,vegetables, ghee, pulses, cereals, fish, fiber rich fruits and vegetables, milk, curd, and lean meat (if you are a nonvegetarian) are most welcome on the platter, especially in growing children. Eating fruits that are seasonal and locally available plays a major influence on our dietary intake! Buying fancy imported fruits and vegetables isn't certainly fresh as lots of additives are added to support the shelf life. Eating food moderately is significant as we don't burden the stomach and intestines to overwork. Eating right plays a major role as one man's favorite can be another's poison! The vegan diet is catching up with youngsters, but one has to be cautious about following such diets. With a deluge of information here, it's time to eat some delectable delights!!